
Please Read First, Before You Contact Us!!!

***All cam profiles on this website, and everything contained in them, were posted from approved affiliate feeds distributed from the origin cam sites. We never harvest content without permission from the origin sites, we get our feeds directly from them. We will gladly remove any info of yours, BUT you NEED to contact the origin cam site to have yourself removed from their affiliate feed. If you do not then your content is likely to keep getting published on affiliate sites since they are distributed as materials we have permission to use. ***

If you read the paragraph above then scroll on down. If not please, please read it first!

Thank you!

Note: Cams Rated does not produce, operate or host any cam or adult services. Therefore, we DO NOT provide support or information regarding these services. Please contact the merchant directly for support, information or requests.

To contact us otherwise – regarding our website content, removal of content, suggestions, and whatever else, please use the email below.


admin -[at]-